How is CBD oil used and administrated?

Recent times have seen an increase in the sale of CBD oil and cannabinoid products for medical purposes and overall health and well being. More research has confirmed positive effects after regular intake of CBD oil, which is generally ingested or inhaled.

How is it commonly taken?

The most common way to take CBD oil is by using the dropper to administer a few drops, although it is advised that dosage should be at a minimum, for first-time users. The dropper full of oil is generally taken in the mouth and should be kept under the tongue for at least a minute to ensure that the CBD oil is absorbed by the bloodstream. Most products come with instructions for the dosage. As many take it as a health supplement, similar to taking a vitamin or health supplements, such as aloe vera in the morning, it is often simply added to the food or smoothies for the best results.

As CBD is now replacing a lot of common medicine for many diseases, the dosage is the vital point that consumers must be aware of. It is always advisable to ask a medical practitioner before self-medicating; however, as CBD has a beneficial effect on the overall health of people; it has no adverse side effects, although the results may vary for each person.

Alternative methods of administration

The best way and the most recommended method for use are by using a dropper full of CBD oil under the tongue and also using the oil in a vaporizer for inhalation. Many are very uncomfortable with both the methods and consider it less than ideal; this is why there are a variety of different ways it can be taken, although the effectiveness of the product may not be justified in those ways. For instance, if a person wishes to chew on a gummy, or a supplement when ingested will be absorbed by the digestive tract, which means that it will take longer for the body to absorb the amount, and also it will not be as potent as holding the oil under the tongue, allowing it to be directly absorbed into the bloodstream.

A lot of people also choose topical administration, and this is effective, especially for joint and muscle pains and ache, for people with arthritis, and other conditions like lupus; it is also an ideal option for sports-related injuries and CBD oil is fast replacing opioids for acute and chronic pain. It should be noted that topical administration of the oil will not give instant results. If one is looking for a fast and quick action of the oil, the sublingual method is still the best option.

The CBD oil with its numerous benefits has taken over the medical community as an all-rounder, which not only helps alleviate mood disorders, serious health disorders, and disease and injuries. While people looking for fast relief from pain or other discomforts often understand the importance of sublingual administration; the multitude of options available nowadays has ensured that there is an ideal way for the administration of this miracle oil.

How to make CBD oil?

Making CBD oil at home is not difficult; however, it does require a lot of time and patience. There are two main methods that are easy to use for beginners and heavy users alike. The first method uses oil and the second, and supposedly the purest form of extraction is by using alcohol. While both are very easy to do, the alcohol is definitely less time consuming and will give the purest form of the oil.

How to extract using the oil method?

The oil method, of course, will require high-quality carrier oil, which can be coconut or olive oil. This method is long drawn out and requires the user to ensure that the cannabis is decarboxylated. The term decarboxylated means that the weed has been put through low heating temperatures for sometimes to ensure that the chemical reaction to remove the carboxyl group; this removes the carbon atom from the carbon chain in the compound.

All cannabinoid compounds in the trichomes of cannabis flower contain an extra ring of the carboxyl group, and decarboxylation simply removes the extra carboxyl group from this. It is indeed a simple step, where the user will have to separate the leaves and the buds and put it into an oven at 100°C between one and a half hours or a little more, before proceeding with the extraction for the oil.

Once this step is complete, grind the cannabis and then add it to the oil of choice. The ground cannabis should then be saturated with the oil; the quantity can vary, depending on the potency that the user is looking for. The mixture should then be brought to a boil using a water bath. This means that the jar the ground cannabis and the oil in, should be placed in the pot with water; place a towel at the bottom of the pot and secure the jar with the mixture, and close the lid of the jar.

Add extra water, until the thermometer reaches 92.33°C.  Then simmer the jar submerges in the water for three hours. After that, cook for another three hours, and then let it heat for another three hours. Let the mixture rest overnight and cannabis oil is ready to be used.

Alcohol method

This is the easiest extraction method; it requires the ground cannabis to be put in a ceramic bowl along with the alcohol. Let it rest for about 6 minutes. Remove the resin using a wooden spoon. Using a cheesecloth, strain the solvent, squeezing as much of the solvent as possible into a pot; in a double boiler or a water bath, place the smaller pot, in a larger one with water and heat the solvent, until bubbles are formed. This should be heated on low heat for about 30 minutes until the alcohol has evaporated and what is left is the oil in the purest form. The alcohol method is the easiest to make for beginners and also results in potent and clean oil, ready to use in numerous ways. High-quality cannabis oil is possible by choosing the best buds for quality control.

CBD oil for pain relief

CBD oil, which is composed of the secondary active ingredient in the marijuana plant and hemp; cannabinoid is fast replacing opioids for pain relief, as it does not have the same addictive properties which opioids do. Another great benefit is due to its non-addictive properties, which is that there are no harmful side effects from withdrawals, which is one of the most common problems with opioids, whether natural or synthetic.

Understanding the science

It is because of the antioxidant properties that are beneficial for various types of pain. The high levels of antioxidants alongside CBD oil’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal choice for many suffering from physical, as well as emotional ailments, such as depression and anxiety; it also has an analgesic effect and works to reduce pain perception in the brain.

CBD oil, which has the active ingredient, cannabinoid, not only directly affects our endocannabinoid systems, but also increases and enhances the other chemical reaction in the grain, such as serotonin and anandamide to alter and reduce the pain perception for the person. Also, the antioxidants work together to reduce inflammation for the user. This combined effect is beneficial for people suffering from acute and chronic pain due to diseases or injuries.

What constitutes pain?

It is crucial to understand the main three categories of pain; neuropathic pain is caused by damaged or inflamed nerves, and this type of pain is extremely painful like carpal tunnel syndrome of sciatica. The other type of pain is called nociceptive pain, which is usually the result of an injury or damaged tissues; this is also known as acute pain from broken bones, or also arthritis, caused by bone rubbing against a bone. The last type of categorization of pain is called centralized pain, also known as nociplastic pain. This is usually the result of fibromyalgia, migraines and tension headaches.

How does CBD help?

Human bodies have natural endocannabinoid systems, which regulate the immune system, sleep, and pain. One of the key elements of using CBD is that it decreases anandamide absorption in the body, which is used for regulating pain. CBD will increase levels of anandamide and therefore, work at reducing the pain a person feels.

Unfortunately, due to cannabis being a controlled substance, still not legal in many places, not a lot of research has been done to understand the various types of effects that it can cause for people experiencing pain. Although, a few pieces of research have concluded that CBD in conjunction with THC work for the best results; some other studies claim that THC less than 0.3 % in CBD gives the best results. Taking CBD alone or THC alone does not give the same analgesic effect as when the two compounds work together.

CBD oil has the capacity to reduce pain in chronic sufferers for arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and general chronic pain, amongst other types of chronic and acute pain. Although extensive research is yet to be done for CBD oils and its effects, it is fast becoming one of the most promising medications that are prescribed for many health problems and pain.